
We answer to some of your questions

Do collateral effects exist for the one whom the GH3 System takes?

No effects don't naturally exist collateral sort exception for overdose

Are there adverse interactions with other medicines?

No there are no adverse interactions

Does the GH3 System recover the cancer?

No! care a lot of pathologies but not the cancer

Are there some allergies caused with the GH3 System?

1 person on 6000 can be allergic, if allergies are found in every case the treatment she is suspended

Which is the correct description for the GH3 System it is a medicine or a vitamin?

Anybody of two! The GH3 System is a dietary integrator that is absorbed by the circulatory system enriching blood in way that stimulates cellular growth for the bodily comfort strengthening innumerable present systems inside the body not forgetting the system predisposed for defending us from a lot of infections.

Later how long they are felt the benevolent effects of the GH3 System?

A specific datum doesn't also exist in worth because not all the individuals are equal, therefore cases of people that find later only also benefit 2 or 3 days that begin the treatment others are found she is had to also attend one month and more.

Is a prescription of the physician needed for requiring the treatment?

No we have absolutely confirmed, that the GH3 System is not a medicine therefore the sale is free as for all the dietary integrators.

Where can the GH3 System be bought?

Practically from for everything, pharmacies, sanitary, supermarkets, gyms etc.

How much does it cost?

We are defining the typology of the wrappings. In a short while the product will be available on the whole national territory to an accessible price for everybody
